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What is VietnamDevs?

A job board for Vietnam IT industry - highly focus on tech jobs. All jobs will be verified and hand-picked by the founder before publish to the frontpage.

VietnamDevs will only post the jobs from the verified companies, they are the top modern tech companies with good environment and benefits. If you want to find the teammates who are able to speak English and have high technical skills, this is the right place.

Who is VietnamDevs for?

  • You are a software engineer, DevOps, QA/AC, Manager, Designer,...
  • You have experiences - most of our job need Middle level and above.
  • You are an expat or Vietnamese that can speak/write English very well.
  • You are looking for a modern tech company in Vietnam.


I want to change the IT industry in Vietnam to be known as a global, modern market. To do that, VietnamDevs wants to get more expat developers who want to work and grow their career in Vietnam.

Who made this?

VietnamDevs author

Henry Bui

I was born and raised in Vietnam and have worked with some international teams from Japan, Thailand and Sweden. I have a background in software engineering and blogging. When I back to Vietnam at late 2023, I cherish a dream of a website that helps bring more developers from abroad to work in Vietnam, that's why VietnamDevs was born for advert the Vietnam culture to the world, help Vietnamese improve technical skills and English.

Want to say hi? DM me on Twitter at @henrybui_io

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VietnamDevs is a job board for software engineer to find the best tech jobs at the modern companies in Vietnam.

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