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Frequently asked questions

What's the different between VietnamDevs and others platform?

VietnamDevs is a curated jobs platform for expats and English speaking engineers, we hand-picked the companies and jobs. All companies and job posting will be evaluated and approved before display on the homepage.

How does the hiring process work on your platform?

Our platform simplifies the hiring process by connecting directly employers with qualified candidates. Employers submit their company at /hire, get approved, starting post jobs, review resumes, and communicate with potential hires through email/phone.

What types of jobs can be posted on your platform?

We accept all jobs related to the software engineer. They are the roles in a software development team like CTO, PM, Team Leader, Back-end, Front-end, QA/QC,...

Is it free to post job listings on your platform?

Yes, job postings are free. We believe that job posting should be completely free because it does not guarantee that company will find a satisfactory candidate within 30 days.
We only charge after the company successfully hired the suitable candidate and they became company's employee.

Can I search for candidates based on specific criteria?

No, our platform prioritizes and respects the privacy of candidate information. To maintain a high standard of data privacy, we do not allow employers to search for candidates and will never do.
However, candidates who meet your job requirements will still be able to apply to your job postings directly. We believe in creating a secure and privacy-focused environment for both employers and job seekers.

How can I contact customer support if I have questions or issues?

We support directly via email at [email protected] email address. If you have any questions, just send us an email at any time. We mostly reply within 30 minutes.

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VietnamDevs is a job board for software engineer to find the best tech jobs at the modern companies in Vietnam.

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