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Trusting Social

Trusting Social

Making Financial Inclusion a Reality using Machine Learning and AI

We are an AI Fintech company specialized in assessing credit profiles of consumers in emerging markets combining pioneering AI with large alternative data sources. In 2020 we reached our ambitious milestone of credit profiling 1bn consumers spanning 4 countries - Vietnam, Indonesia, India & the Philippines - and building a platform for the wider industry and the financial services industry, in particular, to provide the 'un & under' served access to credit. At the core of this initiative has been our strict and unwavering adherence to the norms of consumer data privacy and consumer data rights.

But we're not satisfied as we embark on the next leg of our journey to deliver 100 million credit lines to consumers in the markets where we operate. Although this goal is ambitious, we truly believe that by harnessing the power of AI & Big Data we can deliver financial access at an unprecedented scale.

As a firm, we're audacious problem-solvers motivated by our impact on society. We deeply espouse the values of ownership - of our actions and initiatives, integrity in all we do and agility in execution.
  • Ho Chi Minh

  • 301-500

  • 2013

  • Singapore's flag


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