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Orient Software Development Corp

Orient Software Development Corp

Orient Software was established in 2005 and is the leading software outsourcing company in Vietnam. We provide exceptional software outsourcing services and solutions to companies worldwide.

At Orient Software, we are passionate about develop great software. We have a diverse team — Vietnamese people, Scandinavian people, American people. We’re developers and architects, designers and analysts. We’re testers and project managers and caffeine addicts. We’re a team. We work together, we travel together, and we volunteer together. Our people is what makes our company shine. We believe our people is our top asset and our success lies in how well we source, hire and retain the best people. We have intelligent and motivated experts who take pride in and prioritize developing superior software solutions for our clients.

We do a lot at Orient — but above all, we focus on providing professional software services. We’d love to work with you. And we think you’d love working with us, too.
  • Ho Chi Minh, Ha Noi, Da Nang

  • 301-500

  • 2005

  • Singapore's flag


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